The TopTree app ranks trees based on their RPBC merit index, which is expressed as $NPV/ha. The default genetic merit rankings are based on the breeding objective and selection weights used in the RPBC’s breeding population (referred to as the ‘Baseline’ index in the app). This may be suitable for the user’s requirements, but if the user wishes to change trait emphasis to help guide their own germplasm purchase and deployment decisions for their own target forest or end-use, then this can be done on either the breeding objective slider (e.g., volume) or the selection index slider (e.g., DBH). Note however that if a greater emphasis is put on one trait, then this will tend to impact, positively or negatively on other traits. For example, putting a greater emphasis on volume at harvest age will tend to impact negatively on a trait such as density in the ranked trees, as these traits have a negative genetic correlation between each other. In other words, altering emphasis on one trait will have consequences for other traits depending on their genetic relationships. Dothistroma is not currently included in the app, but EBVs for Dothi are provided where available, and these can be used in conjunction with an index.
(To return to the 'Baseline' index, hit the 'reset' button).
If you hover over one of the ortets on the bar graph and left click, then the current information for the ortet will appear: